Event Sign-Ups
Join the BWYG for fun as we pursue God in community. The following registration forms are for the 2023-2024 BWYG school year events.
If you/your student need financial help to attend an event, please email Lincoln at lshotts@bartlettwoods.org. The Elders at Bartlett Woods do not want money to be the reason a student doesn't attend an event. Scholarships are available and in place.
**IMPORTANT** In order to participate in any BWYG event, you must print and fill out the Medical/Permission release form once per student and date it effective until the student's 18th birthday. More instructions are on the form. Please turn in completed forms to Ben Coleman or email them to thebwyg@gmail.com
If you would like to have your student's picture in any media produced by the BWYG, please fill out the media consent form.
Family Retreat
August 25th-27th, 2023
This year, Bartlett Woods Church of Christ will be its first-ever family retreat at Hickory Hills Retreat Center! This retreat is for all ages and will be a weekend full of connection and spiritual growth. There will be many fun things to do with sports, painting, nature walks, and much more! During this weekend will have our first ever inaugural tic tac toe golf challenge, and the winner will earn a trophy! This weekend will be tons of fun and will be tons of growth for the soul. We will have keynotes, and guest speakers. There will also be a large variety of classes to go to, so come this weekend, and grow closer with us!
September 22nd-24th, 2023
RUSH is for 6th-12th grade students. This is a weekend trip to Freed- Hardeman University where students are spiritually equipped and exposed to a Christian campus atmosphere. While there, students will get to hang out on campus and enjoy Henderson's BBQ festival, and most importantly, hear keynote speaks and have a variety of classes to choose to go too! This a great weekend to charge up your spiritual life! We will leave from the building at 4 PM!
Fall Retreat
October 13th-15th, 2023
This retreat is for students in the 6th–12th grades. This retreat is designed to promote relational and spiritual growth among the students and adult volunteers. There will be plenty of "fun," but each person will be challenged to examine their commitment to God, His Son, and Spirit. The retreat is October 13th-15th We will leave Bartlett Woods at 5 PM on Friday, October 13th, and return Sunday, October 15th around 1 PM
Evangelism University
January 12-14th, 2024
Evangelism University is a weekend trip to Savannah, TN for 9th-12th grade students who are serious about sharing their faith with their friends. E.U. is an intense spiritual training weekend with around 1,200 other high school students who worship and attend discipleship training classes. Ready to take your faith to the next level? Join us at E.U.! The cost of this trip is $45 before December 16 and $50 after that. The deadline to register is January 2nd, 2024.